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Warner Music Group


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  • (NYSE: VIA) MTV Networks on Wednesday announced a broad, multi-year advertising partnership with major record label Warner Music Group

    Digital Media Wire - connecting people & knowledge 2010

  • (NYSE: VIA) MTV Networks on Wednesday announced a broad, multi-year advertising partnership with major record label Warner Music Group

    Digital Media Wire - connecting people & knowledge 2010

  • Consider the latest idea from the business suite at Warner Music Group, which is rummaging like the rest of the industry for new sources of revenue: when search engines like Google formally launch their new video-search sites, Warner Music wants a cut of the cash the sites would reap from selling ads next to search results.

    Selling Songs for a Song 2007

  • It has just appointed David Pierce president and chief executive, ending a CEO search that started in June 2005, when JamesCaparroJames Caparro -- a former executive at record labels Warner Music Group, Universal Music, and PolyGram -- abruptly resigned.

    New CEO Pierce Gives Atari One Final 'Life' 2006

  • Powered by 24-7 Entertainment, the Datz Music Lounge will feature tracks from major labels Warner Music Group

    Digital Media Wire - connecting people & knowledge 2009

  • This time, we'll be working with a larger set of content providers, grouping together video content from providers such as Warner Music Group and Sony BMG Music Entertainment together with quality ads and offering them as playlists which publishers can select from and display on their AdSense sites.

    This is a test: Video content on AdSense 2007

  • This time, we'll be working with a larger set of content providers, grouping together video content from providers such as Warner Music Group and Sony BMG Music Entertainment together with quality ads and offering them as playlists which publishers can select from and display on their AdSense sites.

    Google Groups re-groups and revamps 2007

  • The fact that most of the music businesses' most successful performers make most of their money on the road hasn't gone unnoticed by the record companies, such as Warner Music Group and Vivendi Universal's Universal Music Group, which are still dealing with an industrywide slump in CD sales.

    Music's Top Money Makers 2005 2006

  • CinemaNow just announced a new site called WatchMusicHere.com, where folks can see music videos from music labels such as Warner Music Group and TVT Records for between $1.99 and $2.99 for a permanent copy of each music video.

    Music Videos Unplugged… almost 2005

  • The Sun was signed by Warner Bros Records and you’ll recall Warner Music Group recently announced its e-label, which’ll mean online releases in groups of three every few months instead of a CD.

    The Sun chooses The Net 2005


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